An invitation is extended to all parishioners to give of their talents in the following areas of church ministries.
Members of Divine Saviour Church are invited to actively participate in the various ministries of the church. Annually, the church will provide workshops on these ministries which will focus on introduction and renewal of the duties.
Brief overviews of the various ministries are listed below. If you are interested in offering your talents in any of the ministries listed below, please contact the church office.
As a lay member of the parish, the primary duty of the Lector is to proclaim the word of God through the reading of scripture during liturgical celebrations.
Generally, there are two Lectors assisting at Sunday Mass and special Mass celebrations. Their duties are: welcome the congregation prior to mass; old/new Testament readings; on some occasions recites the Responsorial Psalm; and lead the petitions in the Prayers of the Faithful.
Lay members of the congregation are eligible to serve as Eucharistic Minister following instruction and appointment to this ministry. The Extraordinary Minister assists the priest in the distribution of “Holy Communion” to the sick and unable or incapable of attending the Sacrifice of the Mass.
This ministry serves as the ‘welcoming’ committee at various celebrations, but most importantly at Mass by greeting worshippers as they enter the church. Other responsibilities include: coordinating Gift Bearers; facilitating the collections and directing the procession of the congregation for the distribution of Communion; and being available to answer questions should the need arise. The Ushers are also responsible for recording the numbers of people attending each Mass, distributing bulletins, and removing the collection basket from the altar at the conclusion of the mass placing it in the designated location.
Unite as a community praying the Rosary for the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. Meditative hymns are sung, along with the recitation of the Rosary. No experience required. Mentors provided. Contact the coordinators.
Altar Servers are members of the congregation who assist the priest during Mass and other liturgical functions. Individuals serving in this ministry must have been baptized, received their First Communion and be active, participating member of the parish.
A schedule is posted in the sacristy and vestibule of the church for all ministries.
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